
Asking Questions; What Should You Ask the Interviewer?

Asking Questions; What Should You Ask the Interviewer?

So you have all your answers prepared for the questions the interviewer will be asking you but you know the ‘do you have any questions for me?’ question is coming and you still don’t know what you should be asking them. What do you need to know? What if the interviewer has already answered most questions about the role that you would want answers to and you can’t think of anything? This article will go through a few ideas on questions to ask the interviewer if you’re stuck.   Why has the role become available? Who was the previous employee for this role and how did they fit into the team? Was there a reason they left/it didn’t work out? This question will put the interviewer on the back foot; they now have to explain why the previous employee no longer works...

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Dressing Professionally: How a Good Suit Can Improve Your Chances at Getting a Job.

Dressing Professionally: How a Good Suit Can Improve Your Chances at Getting a Job.

When we are unemployed, we often forget the importance of looking professional when job hunting. It’s easily overlooked as being unimportant because we imagine that our experience and education are all that matters and of course, it can be argued that appearance shouldn’t mean anything and these are the only things that should matter. However it is indisputable that looking professional helps create a good first impression on a potential employer. Looking professional can be easily achieved by buying a nice suit for men or shirt/ladies trousers combination and will not only make you more employable, it will make you feel better about your chances for getting a job. Whether it’s handing in your C.V to a local supermarket or attending a job interview, here are our...

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3 Reasons You Should Have a Video C.V.

3 Reasons You Should Have a Video C.V.

Video C.V’s are becoming more and more popular in the digital age, with everyone having access to a video camera in their pocket employers are looking to potential employees to be more creative with their C.V. and stand out. So why is a video C.V. so impressive? This article will look at 3 reasons you should make a video C.V. and why they will make you stand out from the crowd.   1. They’re personal. A video C.V. is as personal as a C.V. can get; it puts you in a vulnerable position and allows the employer to see your mannerisms, your confidence and your passion. Use a video C.V. to show off your skills and your belief in yourself because that is what the employer is going to be looking for. Practice in the mirror to make sure you don’t look too nervous;...

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10 Traits to Make You More Employable

10 Traits to Make You More Employable

There are many things that an employer will ask you in an interview or that an application form will ask you for when applying for a job but what your personal skills/traits are can mean the difference between an employable person and an unemployable one. These traits are aspects of your professional personality that are relevant to your abilities to work efficiently and professionally. This article will look at some of the top traits you might want to incorporate into your professional identity to help you get a job.   1. Punctuality Punctuality is extremely important to employers as it shows that you are reliable. This trait should not only be included in your C.V and application but shown through action; for example arriving early to your interview....

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5 Reasons to Use a Recruitment Agency to Help You Find a Job

5 Reasons to Use a Recruitment Agency to Help You Find a Job

As a recruitment agency, of course we are going to say that recruitment agencies are one of the best ways to find work. However, how can we justify these claims? Why should you use an agency to help you find work? This article will look at 5 reasons you should be using recruitment agencies and how an agency can benefit you in your search for a job.   Recruitment agencies are free to use As the employee, you won’t get any fees from your recruitment agency to help you find work. In fact, you never have to pay the agency even once you have managed to get a job. They are paid through the employer who hires you and only once you are hired, so the priority for them is to find you a job. It is, after all, how they run their business, so it is in their best interests to...

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Studying a Course; Pros and Cons of Online Courses.

Studying a Course; Pros and Cons of Online Courses.

Studying a course can be an option when you are unemployed to help boost your C.V. There are many available vouchers for online courses from companies like Groupon, so it can be very accessible as an option for those who are unemployed. So should you take an online course? Well, there are pros and cons to any path you take to improve your C.V. This article will explore the pros and cons of taking online courses and hopefully help you to decide if it is the right path for you.   Pros;   It’s cheap and easy to do. Online courses, if obtained through a voucher website, can be very cheap (£20-£50 depending on the course). They are often easy to set up as it will only take a few minutes to set up your online account once you have bought your voucher. You may...

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