Top 5 Skype Interview Tips

Top 5 Skype Interview Tips

Skype-iconAt Recruitment Avenue we have noticed the rise in companies interviewing over Skype as a first stage interview. It used to be telephone interviews but with technology advancing as it is and nearly everyone having Skype these days it does seem like the logical step.

This article is going to give you some tips on how you can prepare for a Skype interview and what to do to make them want to see you in person.


1. Setting the scene.

It’s important that you chose a space for your interview that is tidy and clear of clutter. When the interviewer see’s you in your own home, they will make judgments about you based on what they see. If they see your underwear hanging up in the background, it’s not going to give a good impression.

[sociallocker]It is also important that you chose a room that no one will disturb you, like children, pets or family member’s. You need a quiet, calm and tidy place to take advantage of this opportunity. Your interviewer will expect you to have arranged it so you will not be interrupted.  Interruptions will not go down well.

2. Test your system.
It is vital that you are using a computer that can run the Skype call without freezing or dropping the connection.  Try calling a friend before and make sure you can hold that call connected for as long as the interview will be.  A slow running PC or a bad internet connection will make the interview harder to do and you don’t want it to freeze while you are trying to tell them your skills and why they should hire you.

If you have to, borrow someone else’s PC and internet connection to make sure you have that perfect uninterrupted call.  It’s also a good idea to make sure all other programmes and services are closed on the PC you use. This will help to not slow down the PC and avoid any annoying notifications that some programmes or applications pop up.

3. Dress the part.
It is important that you treat the Skype interview as you would a real face to face interview. You must dress as you would when you have the job. This helps the interviewer to envisage you doing the role. Showing up on Skype in your PJ’s and your hair a mess is not acceptable, and is almost a certain way to not get the job. They will be judging you the same as if you were in the office.

Also, dressing in a suite or smart clothing will put you in the right frame of mind. Being smart will help you feel corporate and professional which you might not if you are in your slacks. So go the whole hog and make sure you have nice, clean, smart shoes as well.  You may be surprised at how it helps with your mind set.

Skype Interview4. Smile, you’re on camera!
Smile and make eye contact. This is very important with any interview, be it face to face or over Skype. Eye contact and smiling shows confidence and will help to build rapport with the interviewer.  You want to come across as being enthusiastic and positive about the job.

One thing to remember here is when making eye contact you need to do it with the camera not the person on the screen. This may feel a little strange at first and it’s an easy and frequent mistake to make on Skype. Just remember they are seeing you through your web cam, so keep your eyes to the camera and you will make a good impression.

5. Prepare for your interview.
Fail to prepare, then prepare to fail is our motto.  You need to do your research on the company so that you can ask good questions and show you have an interest in the company.  You need to have answers ready for the most common questions.  As you are on Skype, you can actually have your answers written on paper and placed so you can see them but the camera cant. It is important that you use these as a reference point and don’t read directly off them. If you are reading the interviewer will know by the tone of your voice and the lack of eye contact that you have maintained so well till that point.

Recruitment Avenue will of course help you with everything you need, but you do still need to do your homework. Have a look at our Candidates Services section of the website for some great information and interview tips.

Above all else, you must treat your Skype interview like a real interview. That means everything you do normally must be done for this. It might be a new experience for you but there are no excuses to let that beat you.

Good luck!

The Recruitment Avenue Team [/sociallocker]

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