Posts by Hannah1

Freelance or Full Time? Pro’s and Con’s

Freelance or Full Time? Pro’s and Con’s

Freelance work is a type of work that means using self-motivation and dedication to be successfully self-employed. It comes with a lot of risks as compared to full time employment but can also be very rewarding. In this article we will talk about the pros and cons of freelance work versus full time work.   Freelance work:   Pros   Work your own hours. When you’re working freelance you can usually set your own work hours especially if it’s a role you can work from home. This can be hugely beneficial to people who have children, for example, so they can be at home with their children more often.   Set your own rates. Once you are a successful freelancer you can set your own rates for your work, which means deciding what a fair rate is to charge people for...

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How to Impress Your Boss

How to Impress Your Boss

So you’re at work and your boss is giving you a hard time and you find yourself wondering; how do I make this person like me? It can be hard to get along with your boss sometimes and can make you feel like your job might even be at risk. In this article, we’re going to talk about a few things you can do to impress your boss and take some of the pressure off you at work.   Never miss a deadline. This might seem obvious and in some cases a deadline can be so important that missing it could put your job in jeopardy – but one thing that is sure to at least give your boss a good impression is if you are always early for deadlines. If you don’t let them think that you are the kind of employee who slacks on your work then they might shift their focus to someone...

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3 Reasons You Should Stay in a Job Long Term

3 Reasons You Should Stay in a Job Long Term

When you’re young and trying to get into work it can be hard to find a job that you really want to stick with long term, unless you land your dream career first time. Many of us find ourselves working in roles that aren’t what we want to do long term and it can be hard to motivate yourself to continue when you are unhappy with your job. However, there are a few good reasons that you should try and stay in a role for as long as you can. We discuss 3 of them in our article today.   It looks good on your C.V.   One thing you don’t want to be accused of is ‘job-hopping’, so really it’s also a case of not staying in a role long term actually looking bad on your C.V. ‘Job-hopping’ is when an employee has several jobs within a small space of time, for example...

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5 Ways to Motivate Yourself at Work

5 Ways to Motivate Yourself at Work

  We’ve all been there; you’re at work and you find yourself lacking motivation or drive to work hard. How do you motivate yourself and avoid seeing your performance drop over time? It’s important to always make sure you work your hardest to improve not only your company but yourself. In this article, we will discuss 5 ways you can motivate yourself at work.   Always have your next goal in front of you.   Whatever your goal is for today, whether it’s to complete a transaction with a difficult client or finish a project you’ve been working on, make sure you have it written down somewhere at your station where you can see it. Use this to remind yourself throughout the day that there is a specific goal you are striving for in the short term. This will...

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7 Ways to Budget on a Low Salary

7 Ways to Budget on a Low Salary

If you’re on a low salary, you know how it can feel to not have much money to burn and struggle to make ends meet. We have come up with 10 ways you can budget on a low salary and hopefully live a comfortable life, maybe even with enough money left to use for expendable income.   Switch to own brand products.   When doing your weekly food shop, try switching to own brand products to save a few pounds. This doesn’t mean you can’t buy any luxury food items that you want but if the majority of your food shop is own brand you’ll find the total of your shop is much lower. Allow yourself one or two luxuries every time you shop so you can still have the things you really like and get the best of both worlds.   Find ways to save electricity at home.   This can be as...

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