7 Things to Do to Make Your Work Life More Comfortable

7 Things to Do to Make Your Work Life More Comfortable

If you’re working full time, you know that sometimes (especially if you work in an office) you feel uncomfortable either physically, mentally or socially. In this article we will explore 7 ways to make your work life more comfortable with all of these in mind, hopefully helping you to enjoy work just a little bit more.


  1. Get a good night’s sleep.

It seems obvious, but a good night’s sleep can be so valuable for feeling less irritable at work. If you are tired, the day will seem to drag so much longer and make it harder for you to focus your brain on your work because you’re too busy being tired. Adults only need 8 hours a night to feel fully rested and refreshed, so just make sure you’re in bed in time to get your full 8 hours and you’ll thank yourself for it at work tomorrow.


  1. Drink plenty of water.

Scientific research has already proven that our brains don’t work properly when we are dehydrated, so drinking water throughout the day is extremely valuable to ensure you are alert and able to work properly. Being dehydrated is more likely to make you grumpy, which will cause you to feel like you are miserable because of work. The feeling of being dehydrated can be subtle so make sure you have a bottle of water by your desk or station all day.


  1. Use a cushion for your chair/footrest if you can.

If you work an office job in which you sit in front of a computer all day then you will need to make sure you are comfortable while you work and not thinking about how your legs or back are hurting. Sitting on/leaning on a cushion can be helpful to those who suffer with back problems, while using a footrest can be helpful if you find your legs ache while you work.


  1. Make lists of your daily tasks at the start of each day.

Having all your thoughts organised before you start working will help you to focus on what you need to do and give you the satisfaction of being able to tick off each task as you complete it, which will give you a sense of achievement and put you in a good mood. It will also stop you from feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work you have to do, as you will be able to see your progress as you complete it.


  1. Take regular bathroom breaks.

There is nothing more distracting than needing to go to the bathroom while you try to work. Don’t ignore it, if you need to go, just go. You are only human and your managers will understand. There is absolutely no need to make yourself uncomfortable on purpose by waiting until your break time, so why should you?


  1. Bring a snack for mid-morning.

Through the night your body is burning calories and energy while you sleep, so when you wake up you are operating at a calorie deficit. Having breakfast will help but if you have a piece of fruit or healthy snack bar around 11 o’clock you will find it helps you be more awake and alert until lunch time and stop you focusing on how hungry you are.


  1. Be polite to your co-workers from the morning onwards.

You might be tired and grumpy when you first arrive at work but it is important to still be kind and polite to your co-workers at all times. If you say hello or have a brief conversation with them in the morning they will remember that kindness for the rest of the day, so if you need a favour or they come to talk to you again they will have that in the back of their mind. However, if you are rude or ignore them, they are likely to remember that later on too.


These are our 7 ways to make your work life more comfortable. We hope these help with your day to day experiences at work! Just remember to always keep a smile on your face and try and be positive about the day ahead. Good luck!


Hannah Johnson
Hannah Johnson
Hannah is a 23 year old marketing professional. She updates our social media profiles and manages our blog. Hannah has been with our company since September 2015 and has started her own business as a Freelance Marketer, Content Manager and Writer.
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