5 Things to Do After You Graduate

5 Things to Do After You Graduate

So you finally graduated from University. You worked hard for several years to get your shiny new degree and now you’re suddenly entering the real world, so what do you do next? Graduating from University can be a bit of a shock and sometimes the many options and doors now open for you can be a little overwhelming, but there are some things to keep in mind to make your transition from Graduate to full time employee as smooth and comfortable for you as possible. Here are the top 5 things to do once you have graduated;


  1. Look at Graduate jobs; are they for you?

There are a plethora of Graduate jobs available for you to look at all in different fields and some that you can apply for even if your degree isn’t directly related to the industry. Have a look at what is on offer and decide if a Graduate job is the path you want to go down. They often offer great training programmes and the ability to progress in the company to management level positions after a few years as a Graduate Trainee, so they can be perfect for someone who is willing to stay with a company long term. If you’re looking to get settled into a career immediately, Graduate Traineeships can be a fantastic choice for you.


  1. Remember to keep your social life active.

Coming out of University can be a bit of a culture shock; you’re used to partying 3 or 4 times a week and cheap student nights out but now everywhere charges £4.50 for a vodka and coke and your mates are all doing PGCE’s. Don’t get disheartened by the changes, try and keep your social life at a steady active level and stay in contact with your friends. If you get too wrapped up in the job hunt, you’re more likely to lose motivation quickly so try and make sure you are still having fun. The same goes for once you have a job; try to keep a good work/life balance so you don’t burn yourself out.


  1. Look at Postgraduate degrees

As mentioned above, all your friends seem to be doing PGCE’s but have you thought about if that’s the right path for you? A lot of universities will offer discounted Masters/PGCE courses depending on the qualification level that you received, so you may be able to get a postgrad course on the cheap. You might even want to do a course in something completely unrelated to your degree to give you a wider skillset. This will not only help improve your C.V, but give you something to think about if you’re still trying to figure out where you want to take your career.


  1. Try Temping/Internships/Volunteering

Maybe a permanent position straight out of Uni isn’t for you, maybe you just want to earn a little money/experience for the time being and that’s still a great decision for you for now. Temp jobs can be a great way to improve your C.V while you earn a little money, or if you’re just looking for experience to get into your career more smoothly an internship/voluntary position within your industry could be just what you need while you’re still living at home. Remember that you don’t have to go straight into permanent work just because you have graduated. There are also options like part time casual work that you might want to look at, don’t put pressure on yourself to be fully employed straight out of the gate.


  1. Remember why you did your degree in the first place.

There’s a reason you chose the degree you did, maybe you were just interested in it or maybe you were really good at it and wanted to build on your talents. What kind of career are you looking to get into with it? There’s often more choices than you realise. If you’re not entirely happy, have you tried looking at conversion courses? Remember why you were so passionate about the degree you did and use that to drive yourself to apply for more jobs. Improve your cover letter, C.V and get yourself out there. You are the only person who can make this happen for you!


As a graduate, you should be proud of your achievement at University. If you can, try and give yourself a little ‘me-time’, focus on getting some new hobbies and interests now you have more free time. Take a holiday, you’ve just finished a degree! You’ve earned a break. Remember to keep yourself active and healthy now that you’re out of the busy university environment and try to keep doing things you enjoy. That all being said, never take your eyes off the prize; you’ve proven that you are a capable and intelligent individual, use the confidence and knowledge that your degree has given you in your job applications.


Hannah Johnson
Hannah Johnson
Hannah is a 23 year old marketing professional. She updates our social media profiles and manages our blog. Hannah has been with our company since September 2015 and has started her own business as a Freelance Marketer, Content Manager and Writer.
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